Focus ring - How to use

The suggested way to apply a "focus-ring" style to an UI element is using the specific design token provided as CSS custom property.

Design tokens

You can use the --token-focus-ring-action-box-shadow design token directly in your CSS definitions:

.your-selector {
  [...your CSS declarations]
  &:focus-visible {
    box-shadow: var(--token-focus-ring-action-box-shadow);


  • the design token as CSS variable can be used only with a box-shadow property
  • the border radius depends on the UI element to which is applied to, so it's up to you to apply the right border-radius (tip: consider to use the inherit value).

CSS helper classes

We provide also a CSS helper class .hds-focus-ring-box-shadow, that is a wrapper of the design token above, but it's unlikely you can use it directly in a template, since this style is connected to the "focused" pseudo-state of an element (more likely it would be used in composition with other classes).

To use this class you have to import the CSS file [products|devdot]/css/helpers/focus-ring.css from the @hashicorp/design-system-tokens package.


  • the border radius depends on the UI element to which is applied to, so it's up to you to apply the right border-radius (tip: consider to use the inherit value).

Sass mixins

We have also created two Sass mixins hds-focus-ring-basic and hds-focus-ring-with-pseudo-element but they're mainly used for internal use (to the design system codebase). These mixins do more than just apply the focus style: they also take care of all the different way to declare the :focus/:focus-visible for different browsers.

To use these mixins you have to import the Sass file packages/components/app/styles/mixins/_focus-ring.scss contained in the @hashicorp/design-system monorepo or the same file app/styles/mixins/_focus-ring.scss distributed in the @hashicorp/design-system-components package.

Then the mixins can be invoked in this way:

/* include the mixin file via @use (path will depend on your context) */
@use '../mixins/focus-ring' as *;

/* apply the focus-ring as box-shadow ('action' will be the default color ) */
.your-selector {
  [...your CSS declarations]
  @include hds-focus-ring-basic();

/* apply the focus-ring as pseudo-element (with 'critical' color ) */
.your-selector {
  [...your CSS declarations]
  @include hds-focus-ring-with-pseudo-element($top: 0, $right: 0, $bottom: 0, $left: 0, $radius: 5px, $color: critical);