Tag component - Component API

Here is the API for the component:

text string

The text of the tag; or link text when the @route or @href are set.

If no text value is defined an error will be thrown.


This is the URL parameter that is passed down to the <a> element.

isHrefExternal boolean

Default: true

This controls if the <a> link is external and so for security reasons we need to add the target="_blank" and rel="noopener noreferrer" attributes to it.


These are the parameters that are passed down as arguments to the <LinkTo> / <LinkToExternal> components.

isRouteExternal boolean

Default: false

This controls if the "LinkTo" is external to the Ember engine (more details here) in which case it will use a <LinkToExternal> instead of a simple <LinkTo> for the @route.

color enum

Sets the color of a link and it is allowed only when @route or @href are set.

Acceptable values:

  1. primary
  2. secondary
onDismiss function

The tag can be dismissed by the user. When a function is passed, the "dismiss" button is displayed.


...attributes spreading is supported on this component.